Mission Home History

Here is the history of the mission home as a Powerpoint presentation in English.


Sandfrid Mattson

Mattsson was born in 1895 in Finland. On a trip to England with his wife, the couple met with Ethiopian Emperor Haile Sellassie I in London while he was in exile (1935-1941). They prayed with him about his country and he promised he would call them to Ethiopia to spread the gospel if his country was liberated from the Italian invasion.

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Missionary work in Ethiopia

Finnish missionary work has played a major role in the growth of Pentecostalism in Ethiopia. The membership of Pentecostal partner churches working with Fida exceeds an incredible 10 million. Sanfrid and Anna-Liisa Mattson were the first Pentecostal missionaries in Ethiopia. They arrived in the country in 1951.

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